Friday, July 15, 2011

The Imam & The Pastor - A remarkable documentary on racial and religious harmony

This video teaches us to value racial and religious harmony. The Imam and the Pastor also educates us about other important things linked to character development, Community Service and Life Skills. Watch this remarkable documentary to find our more.

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Singapore International Water Week Launch 3rd July Sunday

2 of our ABC Waterway Guides represented Pei Hwa at the launch of this year's Singapore International Water Week and did the school proud by sharing with guests their experiences being involved with the PUB's Active Beautiful and Clean Waters Program.

Our students, Nurfarhana and Phebe Lau, had the opportunity to speak with and present parts of their learning to Dr Vivian Balakrishnan, Minister of Water Resources and to N4 Suprientendant Mr Loke Chee Pheng who stopped by our booth. Guests were impressed with our students, both of whom also worked well with their peers from Nan Chiau High and Compassvale Secondary.

Phebe and Farhana waiting at Compass Point for our bus.

A beautiful morning

Phebe,looking over her cue cards

Happy to be here as part of the community.
(From left to right) Phebe, Farhana & Mr Daniel Lim, HOD Character Education

Working as team with Compassvale Sec's representative

The reception and exhibition area

Farhana explaining to a visitor about the Trail's details

Our students explaining how to use the water quality test kit

"You see, Mr Minister, our waters are really clean and beautiful..."

Phebe shows the test results, "Mr Minister, our waters are clean and support life! The DO reading is above 4 parts per million!"

Farhana explaining the contents of the trail booklet to Dr Vivian Balakrishnan, Minister for Water Resources this is how its done...

N4 Superintendent Mr Loke Chee Peng being shown details of the water quality test kit by our pupils

Supt N4 shaking the bottle filled with water taken from the Punggol Reservoir to dissolve the chemicals used in the water quality test.
Farhana doing her part

A great learning experience for us all:-)