Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Values in Art 2011

Our Secondary 1 students learned Pei Hwa's school values through a program that integrates Art with Character Education called "Values in Art". In this program, our students reflect on the school values and come up with designs of their own that capture any given school value.

The students worked in groups of 4 through several "Values in Art" lessons during their Form Teacher periods and came up with designs by thinking about how the school values could be represented through drawing. By putting the students through this process of transforming the school values into a representative artwork , the school aims to have our students think through the school values so that they can better internalise them. The program also promotes responsible decision-making, reflection, relationship management and collaborative and self-directed learning.

In the 2nd stage of this Values Education program, the students went on to paint these designs onto large pieces of acrylic. The Sec 3 Pei Hwa Art Councillors were assigned to every class and they provided guidance on how to paint better to their juniors. This gave our seniors a chance to lead their juniors as well as practice their oral communication skills as they had to give their juniors instructions on the finer points of painting on acrylic.

In the final stage of the project, the art work will be touched up by the Pei Hwa Art Councillors before being mounted on the walls of the school.

As a result of this program, many more meaningful pieces of art work that capture the school's PRIDE values will soon adorn the walls of Pei Hwa!