Monday, April 30, 2012

Sec 1 Level Camp

Geraldine Tan 1N3
We have to trust one another as one of the games that we played required being blind-folded. I have kearnt more about my friend's interetsing chracters through bonding. On talent night, my classmates made use of his talent by going up on stage to perform. Whenever it comes to the team games, we need team work.

Tay Tian Wen 1N3My feeling for the Sec 1 level camp is that I love the PHSS Rock Dance as it was very fun. Also the soccer that we neede to roll the ball with our hands. It was the first time I had played soccer this way.
As for the Study Skills workshop, I like the bursting of the balloons to represent us bursting our fears and troubles away. The outdoor cooking taught me how to cook instant noodles. I did not know how to cook instant noodles before this. I also know my classmates are kind, reasonable. I learnt in the camp to work as a team.

Soo Xin Li 1E3
We learnt alot this year during the Sec 1 Level Camp. It was fun and enjoyable. Many of us liked it. There will always be a lesson and moral behind very single game. Most of the games needed teamwork to accomplish. We learnt our PRIDE values through the games too. It also hlped us to get to know one another well. Even thiugh we lost, we are still satisfied as we did our best. We learnt to cook by ourselves during the outdoor cooking activity. It was tiring but fun.

We did our CIP during teh 2nd day of the camp. We helped the librarian to wrap the books. It was really tough as there was many books to wrap so many books and the wrapping must be perfect. There was only 1 librarian working in the library and she has to warp thousands of books all by herself. After that experience, we realised that all of us shoudl cherish the books from the library and we should not dirty or even tear the wrapping off.

This camp really let us learn many things. It helped us get together and know each other's weakness so that we can help each other achieve our goals. It really ws fun and all of us enjoyed it the to fullest. We are really looking forward to our next camp.

Uno Gabriel Yap 1E3 The Sec 1 Camp was a lot of fun. It's not mostly about fun though. It's about self-discipline and time management. At first, I did not feel like going to the camp. I was lazy and rather relax at home. I thought that doing my homework was more worth it. Then I realised when I picked myself up to go for the camp, that it was going to be enjoyable and a new learning experience. The first day was not that fun but sleeping side by side with my friends was! The second day was exciting because it was the Talent night and outdoor cooking session, The last day was a sad day not only because its the last day but because there were stacks of homework left to do at home! Still, it was one the best camps I have ever had.

Daniel Lim Wan Seng, Camp IC, HOD Character Education We planned the camp with the objective of having our students move from externally managed behaviour to self-directed management and peer-peer management via the learning of teamwork. It is a great jump in expectations for the Sec 1s but we always believe that development of life skills is a journey and not destination. Our objective was that through the games, talks and experential learning, the students would eventualy move a little closer towards self-mastery.

The successful planning and implementation of the camp could not have been possible without the support of Guat Hong, my assistant Level Master and the many wonderful Form and Co-form teachers from Secondary 1. Their willingness to work as a team for the good of the camp's success was outstanding. The school should count itself fortunate to have such dedicated staff in its midst.