Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Proposal: The Sustainable Development Game

Proposal by:
Daniel Lim Wan Seng
HOD Character Education and Community Engagement  
Pei Hwa Secondary School
The “Sustainable Development” Game
Educational Objective: To create a unique Green Game that can be played by the students to learn about Conservation. This game can be used by the CIP, NE, I and E and JKHT members to teach their school mates about conservation and also primary schools. The game can be played during PH experience since it a game developed by our school. The game can be patented, professionally designed in house and then sold to other schools to raise funds for our school’s needy pupils.

The game can also be shared by our various student ambassadors and student leaders with other schools to develop their communication skills.
The game will integrate the learning of:
1. Geography and Social Studies [Sustainable development ]
2. Character and Citizenship Education [Values development, life skills development, NE, CIP, financial Literacy]

3. English - for vocabulary linked with conservation
4. Science
5. Maths (Simple arithmetic]

The game can be used for: 1. National Education
2. Community Involvement programs
3. Pei Hwa Sec – Primary school collaboration/activities.
4. Publicity events
5. Zonal , cluster and national competitions organised by Pei Hwa.

etc etc
The game will also help raise the school’s profile and also help the school get its Green Awards. Our students after enjoying the game can become ambassadors and teach primary school or secondary schools in the cluster and zone to play the game.  
Ideation & Project Leader: Daniel Lim
Team Members: Tan Hai Seng
Tan Chee Keong
Kevin Chong
Erin Tan
Marcus Tan
Halimah Harris
Russell Lin

Students involved:
1. Green Club [11]
2. New JKHT members [30]
3. Sec 1 and Sec 2 VCM 2/I & E representatives
Game ideation
  1. Based on the concept of buying and selling “Green” and “non-green” facilities.
    1. Recycling plants
    2. Reservoirs [ e.g. Mach Ritchie, Punggol ]
    3. Water purification plants [ e.g. Newater]
    4. Power plants [e.g. Senoko power plant]
    5. Alternative energy companies
    6. Landfills [ e.g. Lorong Harlus]
    7. Research and development facilities – either draw a card or must land on a square to get a quantum leap in terms of carbon footprint reduction.
  2. Players have a given level of:  
    1. Carbon footprints
    2. Cash
  3. During the game, the players will:
    1. Gain profits from their activities such as purchases and sales of green facilities or from cards drawn or based on squares they land on.
    2. Loss or gain carbon footprint from their activities such as purchases and sales of green facilities or from cards drawn or based on squares they land on.
    3. To score extra cash or reduction in carbon footprint, the players must be able to solve certain questions or draw out certain concepts on water conservation/conservation.
    4. Players who own certain facilities in totality or combination of facilities can have a bonus in terms of carbon footprint reduction or in terms of the profits.
    5. With the correct combination of Facilities owned, the player needs to match against a card drawn or a square stepped on such as R & D to get a quantim leap – but to do so means, he/she has to pay for this in terms of cash.
  4. The winner will be the person who at the end of the game has:
    1. A certain level of carbon footprint balanced with profits
    2. When all other player’s carbon footprint exceeds a given level
  5. The game is a merger of part monopoly, part Taboo and Pictionary.