Monday, November 5, 2012

Inconversation with SAC member Ms Iris Chua

Indian Arts Performance

Driving Change Project Day 2

Deep discussion taking place between our CCE coordinators.....
Joel: The project specifications are key to the enhancement of the learning outcomes for pupils in future programs.
Raghu: The symbiotic relationship between the grassroots and school allows for us to deliver the driving change in SG program.
Derlynn: ??????

Such a feelings coming over me!

Irene and Henry

Dr Lam speaks

Practising for the big performance

Serving food

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Driving Change in SG Community Project with Caltex and People's Association

Trying out the T-shirts

The Pei Hwa Driving Change Team

Our guest host Henry giving our pupils a brief

Instructions in the warehouse

Packing in full swing - another 1000 to go!

Tired but happy to have helped

Loading the packed food hampers up on the bus

The cargo boys

The Great Singapore sale!

Now I know what my mum goes through during her weekly grocery shopping!

Arm muscles being strengthened!

Thursday, November 1, 2012

JKHT Sengkang Floating Wetlands Trail - Training at Sungei Buloh

Our wonderful guide uncle Alan sharing a few safety tips

What do I spy?

Peering at fishes down below
The JKHT team - the team that goes on and on and on and on and on and on...just like a Duracel battery

Captain! I see the enemy troops landing on the shoreline!

The beauty and eeriness of our mangrove swamps
Do you see the large monitor lizard crawling along the mud?