Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Developments for HD

Pastoral Care: Strengthening the PCCG programme with GROW ME/PADI and establishing clear TORs for CLAs(LMs)

CIP: Introduction of a curriculum with LPs for CIP broken into phases of I-O-E giving teachers the option to decide at what level their class/CCA is at. Objective: Leveling up of CIP delivery and improving the AD of CIP across the school.

Designing a CCE currriculum: Begins with the end in mind. Determining the EUs,EQs, EKs and ESs of the CCE curriculum(CIP, CME, ECG) and ensuring that all staff see the same "map" and mapping that against SVs, CO2015 and SEL competencies. Learning activities and Assessment will be built to align with this. AfL/L-Portfolio/Rubrics? It is from here there a set of life skills aligned to SV,SEL and C2015 will emerge and learning activities ( existing and new) can be crafted to explictly and implicitly teach these LS.

Self-D: Creation of S-creed.

Looking for alignment and synergy across non-academic curriculum areas.

Staff Development: Practice and use of curriculum redesign using UbD and the practise of designing rubrics for formative assessment

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