Tuesday, December 14, 2010

AAR Questionnaire

Universal PD AAR 2

Title of Programme:                                                                              Date:


Part I
Please answer Q1 to 4.

1. What are Strengths (Keep)

2. What are the areas for improvement (Improve)

3. What are some NEW ideas you feel should be included? ( Start )

4. What are the CURRENT things which should not be repeated? ( Stop)

Part II
Evaluate the programme by indicating the relevant response to the following statements using the ranking below:

All will be ranked on a scale of 1 to 4 or Not Observed
1 = SD
2 = D
3 = A
4 = SA
Not observed = NO

(a) Objectives
The programme met its objectives

(b) Engagement and usefulness of programme
1. The programme was relevant for the pupils


2. The pupils have learnt useful skills/knowledge

3. The pupils were engaged during the programme

4. The pupils enjoyed the programme

5. Handouts for pupils was useful

6. The lesson plan was easy to understand for the teacher

(c ) Presentation
1. Explanations made by the presenters were clear

2. There was good rapport between the presenter(s) and the pupils/audience

3. Pace of the presentation was right

( d ) Organisation
1. Session(s) was/were well organized

2. Sufficient time was allocated for the different activities

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