Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Useful books 2

Forsyth, D R (2006) Group Dynamics (4th Ed).Thomas Wadsworth
Machiavelli, N. (1532) The Prince. In P. Bondanella & M. Musa (Eds) The Portable Machiavelli.(1979) Viking Penguin Inc. pp77-166
Bennett Mark D and Gibson Joan Mclver in A field guide to good decisions: Values in Action. Praeger Publishers. Greenwood Publishingh Group, Inc.(2006)
Lee Roy Beach and Terry Connolly(2005) The psychology of Decision Making: Foundations for organizational science A sage publication Series, Inc  2nd edition

Some useful books

Raymond G Miltenberger(2001) Behaviour modification. Principles and procedures 2nd Edition Wadsworth Thomson Learning

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Victorian Essential Learning Standards

Recognising that information literacy – the ability to
source and evaluate and use information – is an essential
part of all areas of the curriculum, learning methods and
technologies are incorporated into every learning area.
The curriculum promotes a problem-solving approach,
with girls encouraged to take responsibility for their own

The college curriculum covers all Victorian
Essential Learning Standards (VELS) as
recommended by the Victorian government:
physical, personal and social learning;
discipline-based learning; the arts,
English, humanities, languages other than
English (LOTE); mathematics and science;
interdisciplinary learning; communication,
design, creativity and technology,
information and communication technology
and thinking processes.

St Catherine's - Languages

Languages at St Catherine's

Side Image One

"Nî hâo", "Bonjour" and "Konnichi wa"

Mandarin, French and Japanese are offered at St Catherine's School. French is introduced in the Early Learning Centre and continues through the Junior School.
At Year 7, we provide an opportunity for our students to experience all three languages. In Semester 1 of Year 7, students study Japanese, French and Mandarin for two periods each per week. The course is largely introductory with an emphasis on culture, making comparisons with Australia, and the rudiments of English language and writing systems.
Towards the end of Semester 1, Year 7 students then select two of the three languages offered and continue to study these until the end of Year 8, and beyond, if they choose to do so.
Our language program provides a rich and varied experience for our students, with excursions, competitions, special guest performances, software, games, activities and conversation sessions complementing the academic program.
Students in Years 10 and 11 are invited to join the Exchange Program with our sister schools in Japan and France and annual language immersion tours are also offered.

St Catherine's - Community Service

Community Service

Community Service Community Service

It is more blessed to give than to receive.

Community service is an important expression of our strong values. Students work together to develop and promote relationships between St Catherine's and the local and international community by both financially supporting and physically assisting in ways that are helpful to both.
Students plan activities for the whole School, inform the School community on issues of both local and global need and assist local charities with their activities.
Events in the past have included everything from Easter egg hunts for Oxfam to staff versus students netball for Beyond Blue to participating in the Red Cross and Red Shield door knocks and World Vision's 40 hour Famine.
Recently some students developed a particularly strong interest in supporting Timor-Leste (East Timor) which resulted in the First Lady visiting and speaking.
Students volunteer their time in the community including helping to serve breakfast at Prahran Mission, tree planting at Yarra Boulevard and assisting with the Food For Friends Christmas initiative.

St Catherine's - Student Committees

Student Committees

Student Committees Student Committees

Catering for every interest

A range of Committees is responsible for the organisation of various aspects of the School, under the leadership of the General Committee. Our Committees include:
  • Art
  • Community Service
  • Debating and Public Speaking
  • Drama
  • Duke of Edinburgh's Award & Outdoor Education
  • Environment
  • International
  • Student Foundation
  • Music
  • Community Service
  • Sports.

St Catherine's - Student Leadership Programme

Student Leadership

Student Leadership Student Leadership

Students lead the way

St Catherine's has a strong tradition of student leadership that dates backs many decades. The School's Student Leadership system at St Catherine's provides girls from Year 6 with leadership training and skill developments, and there are many opportunities to experience positions of responsibility.
Our culture of collaboration ensures a mutual respect between teachers and students and continues to create a school environment which we all love.
Our students relish the opportunity to make decisions, take on responsibility and have an input into the direction of the school. Our teachers value the opinions of the many young and creative minds they are guiding and are constantly amazed by the inspiring ideas and the capable organisation of our girls.

Barbreck Council

The Barbreck Council, which is made up of the Class of Year 6, meets each fortnight and is chaired by the Junior School Captains. The Head of Junior School, Alana Moor, attends the meetings. Many ideas that have arisen from these meeting have been implemented including new equipment for the sandpit and role-plays in Assembly on good playground behaviour.

Year 12 Leaders and the General Committee

During Term 3, the Senior Office Bearers are elected for the following year via a democratic process. All students in Years 10 to 12 submit nominations for the School Captain and Vice Captain positions. Students must hold the Leadership Diploma to be eligible to hold a leadership position. Year 11 students actively involved in each group, House or Committee, will be nominated for the position of Captain or Vice Captain. Students are given the choice to accept the nomination.
The General Committee is the senior student advisory body. It consists of the School Captain (President) and Vice Captain (Secretary); Captains of Boarding House, Art, Debating, Duke of Edinburgh, Environment, International, Community Service, Drama, Student Foundation, the four Houses, Music and Sport.
The Principal and nominated senior members of staff are ex officio members. The General Committee meets regularly each term. The Committee considers the reports of its sub-committees and advises the Principal on the management of the School from the students' perspective.
To meet our 2010 Senior School Captains click here.

Leadership Diploma: Years 9 and 10

Our many formal and informal opportunities for student leadership throughout the School, culminate in Senior years where students can choose to refine and perfect those skills by studying for their Leadership Diploma, a qualification unique to St Catherine's.
The Leadership Diploma incorporates all components of the Years 9 and 10 curriculum, recognising students' involvement in and achievement from their academic and co-curricular program.
Students must successfully complete a list of criteria which includes developing positive relationships, involvement in mentoring programs, community service and environment programs, performance and public speaking, Outdoor Education and being a positive role model through faultless wearing of School uniform and upholding of School expectations at all times.
Students who complete the Diploma are awarded a badge with their certificate and are eligible for leadership selection in Years 11 and 12 and General Committee in Year 12.

St Catherine's - Environmental Education


Environment Environment Environment Environment

Earthy matters

St Catherine's is leading the way in Australian schools in its environmental program, initiatives and policies. In April 2009, the School became a Four Star Sustainable School, having received its school grounds and biodiversity 'star' - an achievement of which the School is very proud.
St Catherine's School's dedicated Environment Committee is made up of students, staff, parents and members of the School leadership team.
The Committees goals are to:
  • integrate environmental behavioural practices through School lessons, infrastructure and policy
  • educate the wider community through events and communications
  • set specific targets for waste reduction, water and energy consumption
  • increase biodiversity on the School campus
  • build a student-driven environmental program.    

What do we currently do?

  • Raise awareness of environmental issues through student assemblies and activities (for example, World Environment Day)
  • Recycling throughout the School (paper, containers, waste)
  • Year 12 Environment Captains organise environmental events across the School
  • Student Environment Club facilitated by the Environment Captains meets regularly to organise environmental activities and action
  • Environmental topics studied in the classroom
  • Creation of the new Indigenous Garden at the front and rear of 23 Heyington Place which have greatly increased the biodiversity of the School.

What initiatives are we involved in?

  • Australian Sustainable Schools Program - St Catherine's School was recently evaluated for its school grounds and biodiversity component as part of the Program and has now completed the necessary requirements to be awarded with its fourth star, making St Catherine's School a Four Star Sustainable School. The final component which the School is working to achieve is Energy. For more information on the Program, click here.
  • Schools Tree Planting Day - July (planting indigenous vegetation in the local area)
  • Schools Clean Up Day - February (Clean up Australia Day initiative in schools)
  • Tree Planting activities - students have planted over 2000 native plants along the Yarra Boulevard
  • Indigenous Garden - students created the School's own Indigenous Garden filling it with native plants
  • St Catherine's School has pioneered a new interschool Environment Forum aimed at giving students and staff from several Melbourne schools the opportunity to share sustainable ideas and discuss ways to reduce each school's environmental footprint.

What grants have we received?

Melbourne Water grant of $25,000 to install a Rainwater Garden
Federal Community Water Grant (Round 3 - $50,000) to reduce water consumption within the School

Parent Enrichmengt Programme - St Kevin's

Parent Enrichment Program

We do a lot for our sons. It doesn’t hurt to do a little something for ourselves occasionally. The Parent Enrichment Program is an enjoyable and stimulating opportunity to do just that: to nurture our own growth in terms of parenting, social, spiritual and personal growth issues.

2010 Program

Once again, we have a great program in store for 2010. These are great evenings and it’s not a bad idea to put the dates in your diary. In Term One, Stuart Taylor from Resilience Institute Australia will be talking about the basic resources that both parents and their children need. Later that term, Melissa Juzva, the head of counselling at St Kevin’s will offer a special evening for parents of young children at Glendalough.
In Term Two, the counselling team will lead a session that touches upon some of the challenges of parenting. This will be of help to all but especially to those familiar with split or blended families. Later in May, we are fortunate to be hosting the very popular and entertaining Andrew Fuller. Finally, in September, the wonderful Dr Helga Neidhardt will guide us in a discovery and celebration of parental spirituality.
A very warm invitation to join us is extended to all parents, staff, past parents and friends. Please bring along anyone you think might be interested.
Enrolments can be made on the registration form and returned to the school office at each campus or during the year when each seminar is advertised in the College Newsletter. These enrolments are a big help with planning. But people are always welcome on the night.

St Kevin's - Homework Club

Homework Club

Beginning Monday of Week 2 of Term I, Homework Club will begin running in the Smith Building. Homework Club is an opportunity for Year 7 and 8 students to complete quiet study before they leave for home. They will also have an opportunity to seek assistance from senior students. Homework Club is voluntary, and all are welcome.
When: Beginning Week 2, Monday and Tuesday, 3.30 – 4.30pm
Where: S308 Study Group,    S311 Silent Study
Who: Year 7 and 8 boys
Why: Complete homework and study with the help of teachers and senior boys

Examination Preparation Seminars

Specific Examination Preparation Seminars will be run in Terms II & IV to help Year 7 & 8 students prepare for the Examinations. These will be run by Year 10 students with the assistance of senior staff.

Topics covered:
  • Planning your time and organising a study timetable
  • Getting organised – how to make sure that you have all the information
  • Effective revision notes
  • Essay writing in an examination

St Kevin's - Career Centre

Careers Centre

The Careers Resource Centre, located on the top floor of the Godfrey Building, offers students a library of up to date careers and course information. Students are encouraged to visit the Centre, borrow material and arrange a time for a personal interview with a Careers Advisor if required. Parents are welcome to attend these interviews.  The Careers Department is comprised of the following members:

Careers Centre - Programs & Resources


Many resources in the Careers Centre are available for student use. Some of the following publications can also be accessed via their websites for example:
  • The Job Guide
  • VTAC Guide: VICTER
  • Handbooks on Victorian Universities, TAFE Colleges, some private providers
  • Interstate Universities
  • Tertiary entrance cut off scores
  • Leaflets on specific courses and careers
  • Information on jobs, traineeships and apprenticeships
  • Resume writing and interview skill information.

Vocational Testing

The Careers Centre has a range of vocational assessment tools, which may be used by students. These programs help students to identify interest areas and focus on particular career paths, which may be most relevant. All Year 10 students participate in an aptitude and vocational testing program in Semester 1.

Computer Programs

The programs available to students are:
  • Career Voyage JIIG-CAL. This is an excellent starting point to find out your vocational interests.
  • OZJAC. This program provides information about tertiary courses in all Australian institutions.
  • Course Link. This program available on the VTAC website http://www.vtac.edu.au/ allows students to input their VCE studies and generate a list of eligible tertiary courses for which they can apply.

Display Board, Daily Bulletin and Newsletters

Students are encouraged to listen to the daily bulletin, read the Careers News in the Newsletter, and check the Career Display Board regularly for information on new courses, short enrichment courses, Open Days, information sessions and jobs.

Individual Career Counselling

The Careers Advisors see all Year 12 students individually. Students may make appointments at any time of the year, usually during a study period, so as not to impinge on class time. Year 11 and Year 10 students are also encouraged to make individual appointments.

St Kevin's - Outdoor Education

Outdoor Education

The College has traditionally operated Outdoor Education programs from the Silver Creek Campus in Flowerdale. This property was established in 1963 by Br. Hackett and was largely built by members of the Fathers' Association. Since then the Outdoor Education Department has continually developed and expanded the program to provide more challenging educational opportunities for our boys. In 2009 the Silver Creek Campus was burnt down and presently all Outdoor Education camps for Years 3-11 use external providers in a variety of locations across the state, Australia and internationally.

An extensive and challenging sequential program develops according to the age and abilities and past experiences of the students. With each year level comes not only more challenging experiences, but also more time and distance away from home.

Through the context of their camp and the outdoor setting, Glendalough students learn about themselves, their peers, the wider community and the natural environment.

All Junior School (Glendalough) camps are presently being conducted at the following locations:

  • Year 3     Alpine Ash Retreat in Toolangi just north of Melbourne
  • Year 4     Araluen Camp in Anglesea
  • Year 5     Halls Outdoor Education Centre in Gembrook (Dandenongs)
  • Year 6     Summit Camp in East Gippsland 
The Glendalough camp activities vary per year level but generally include bushwalking, orienteering, low ropes course, caving, canoeing, climbing and abseiling.

Secondary classes then build upon these experiences by venturing further afield, travelling throughout Victoria, Australia and Overseas with increased lengths of time extended beyond 9 days.

All Senior School programs are presently being conducted at the following locations:
  • Year 7     Anglesea and Cumberland River near Lorne undertaking a surf aquatics program
  • Year 8     Mansfield and the King River valley in Central Victoria Alpine ski program
  • Year 9     Nationally based programs at the following locations:
    Fraser Island - Queensland          
    Wet Tropics: Lake Tinoroo and Daintree - Queensland
    Hinchinbrook Island and Tully - Queensland
    Whitsunday Islands - Queensland
    Ningaloo Reef - Western Australia
    Freycinet - Tasmania
    Arnhem Land - Northern Territory
    Central Oz-Top end - Bus journey through Central Australia
    Kosciuszko Winter Challenge - New South Wales
    Cairns to Townsville sailing training voyage - Queensland
  • Year 10     Thompson River / Mitchell River and Glenelg rivers doing multi challenge based activities
  • Year 11     Elective based program undertaking activities ranging from rock climbing, bushwalking, sailing, snorkelling, mountain bike touring, surfing, sea kyaking and horse riding.
In 2011 one Year 11 OAP group will be going overseas to Nepal with World Expeditions.
OAP leaders are a select group of up to 50 students undertaking an Outdoor leadership program where an ongoing peer support role exists with younger year levels.

The duration of each program also increases, as the boys get older. Program durations for 2011 are:
  • Year 3 - 2 days
  • Year 4 - 3 days
  • Year 5 - 3 days
  • Year 6 - 5 days
  • Year 7 - 5 days
  • Year 8 - 5 days
  • Year 9 - 9 to 11 days
  • Year 10 - 5 days
  • Year 11 - 5 days
  • Year 10 OAP Leaders - 9 days
  • Year 11 OAP Leaders participate in one Glendalough or Year 7/8 camp.
Outdoor Education programs involve a process of evaluation and debriefing whether through group discussion or the use of Journals for reflection during and at the conclusion of an Outdoor Education program. 

Developing Life Skills - Study Skills

At home
1. Home Study Environment
2. Organisation and Filing
3. Time Management Skills
4. Managing Workload
5. Dealing with Distractions
6. Overcoming Procrastination
7. Developing Motivation
8. Goal Setting
9. Lifestyle and Balance
10. Managing Stress

At school
1. Will we ever use this?
2. Using Classtime
3. Asking for Help
4. Dealing with Conflict
5. Groupwork Skills

Specific skills
1. Reading Skills
2. Writing Skills
3. Mathematical Skills
4. Language Skills
5. Research Skills
6. Presentation Skills

Tests and exams
1. Summarising and note-taking
2. Active Studying
3. Preparing for Exam Blocks
4. Test-Taking Techniques
5. After Tests & Exams