Thursday, February 10, 2011

St Catherine's - Community Service

Community Service

Community Service Community Service

It is more blessed to give than to receive.

Community service is an important expression of our strong values. Students work together to develop and promote relationships between St Catherine's and the local and international community by both financially supporting and physically assisting in ways that are helpful to both.
Students plan activities for the whole School, inform the School community on issues of both local and global need and assist local charities with their activities.
Events in the past have included everything from Easter egg hunts for Oxfam to staff versus students netball for Beyond Blue to participating in the Red Cross and Red Shield door knocks and World Vision's 40 hour Famine.
Recently some students developed a particularly strong interest in supporting Timor-Leste (East Timor) which resulted in the First Lady visiting and speaking.
Students volunteer their time in the community including helping to serve breakfast at Prahran Mission, tree planting at Yarra Boulevard and assisting with the Food For Friends Christmas initiative.

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