Thursday, February 10, 2011

St Catherine's - Languages

Languages at St Catherine's

Side Image One

"Nî hâo", "Bonjour" and "Konnichi wa"

Mandarin, French and Japanese are offered at St Catherine's School. French is introduced in the Early Learning Centre and continues through the Junior School.
At Year 7, we provide an opportunity for our students to experience all three languages. In Semester 1 of Year 7, students study Japanese, French and Mandarin for two periods each per week. The course is largely introductory with an emphasis on culture, making comparisons with Australia, and the rudiments of English language and writing systems.
Towards the end of Semester 1, Year 7 students then select two of the three languages offered and continue to study these until the end of Year 8, and beyond, if they choose to do so.
Our language program provides a rich and varied experience for our students, with excursions, competitions, special guest performances, software, games, activities and conversation sessions complementing the academic program.
Students in Years 10 and 11 are invited to join the Exchange Program with our sister schools in Japan and France and annual language immersion tours are also offered.

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