Thursday, February 10, 2011

St Catherine's - Environmental Education


Environment Environment Environment Environment

Earthy matters

St Catherine's is leading the way in Australian schools in its environmental program, initiatives and policies. In April 2009, the School became a Four Star Sustainable School, having received its school grounds and biodiversity 'star' - an achievement of which the School is very proud.
St Catherine's School's dedicated Environment Committee is made up of students, staff, parents and members of the School leadership team.
The Committees goals are to:
  • integrate environmental behavioural practices through School lessons, infrastructure and policy
  • educate the wider community through events and communications
  • set specific targets for waste reduction, water and energy consumption
  • increase biodiversity on the School campus
  • build a student-driven environmental program.    

What do we currently do?

  • Raise awareness of environmental issues through student assemblies and activities (for example, World Environment Day)
  • Recycling throughout the School (paper, containers, waste)
  • Year 12 Environment Captains organise environmental events across the School
  • Student Environment Club facilitated by the Environment Captains meets regularly to organise environmental activities and action
  • Environmental topics studied in the classroom
  • Creation of the new Indigenous Garden at the front and rear of 23 Heyington Place which have greatly increased the biodiversity of the School.

What initiatives are we involved in?

  • Australian Sustainable Schools Program - St Catherine's School was recently evaluated for its school grounds and biodiversity component as part of the Program and has now completed the necessary requirements to be awarded with its fourth star, making St Catherine's School a Four Star Sustainable School. The final component which the School is working to achieve is Energy. For more information on the Program, click here.
  • Schools Tree Planting Day - July (planting indigenous vegetation in the local area)
  • Schools Clean Up Day - February (Clean up Australia Day initiative in schools)
  • Tree Planting activities - students have planted over 2000 native plants along the Yarra Boulevard
  • Indigenous Garden - students created the School's own Indigenous Garden filling it with native plants
  • St Catherine's School has pioneered a new interschool Environment Forum aimed at giving students and staff from several Melbourne schools the opportunity to share sustainable ideas and discuss ways to reduce each school's environmental footprint.

What grants have we received?

Melbourne Water grant of $25,000 to install a Rainwater Garden
Federal Community Water Grant (Round 3 - $50,000) to reduce water consumption within the School

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