Thursday, February 10, 2011

St Kevin's - Career Centre

Careers Centre

The Careers Resource Centre, located on the top floor of the Godfrey Building, offers students a library of up to date careers and course information. Students are encouraged to visit the Centre, borrow material and arrange a time for a personal interview with a Careers Advisor if required. Parents are welcome to attend these interviews.  The Careers Department is comprised of the following members:

Careers Centre - Programs & Resources


Many resources in the Careers Centre are available for student use. Some of the following publications can also be accessed via their websites for example:
  • The Job Guide
  • VTAC Guide: VICTER
  • Handbooks on Victorian Universities, TAFE Colleges, some private providers
  • Interstate Universities
  • Tertiary entrance cut off scores
  • Leaflets on specific courses and careers
  • Information on jobs, traineeships and apprenticeships
  • Resume writing and interview skill information.

Vocational Testing

The Careers Centre has a range of vocational assessment tools, which may be used by students. These programs help students to identify interest areas and focus on particular career paths, which may be most relevant. All Year 10 students participate in an aptitude and vocational testing program in Semester 1.

Computer Programs

The programs available to students are:
  • Career Voyage JIIG-CAL. This is an excellent starting point to find out your vocational interests.
  • OZJAC. This program provides information about tertiary courses in all Australian institutions.
  • Course Link. This program available on the VTAC website allows students to input their VCE studies and generate a list of eligible tertiary courses for which they can apply.

Display Board, Daily Bulletin and Newsletters

Students are encouraged to listen to the daily bulletin, read the Careers News in the Newsletter, and check the Career Display Board regularly for information on new courses, short enrichment courses, Open Days, information sessions and jobs.

Individual Career Counselling

The Careers Advisors see all Year 12 students individually. Students may make appointments at any time of the year, usually during a study period, so as not to impinge on class time. Year 11 and Year 10 students are also encouraged to make individual appointments.

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