Thursday, February 10, 2011

St Catherine's - Student Leadership Programme

Student Leadership

Student Leadership Student Leadership

Students lead the way

St Catherine's has a strong tradition of student leadership that dates backs many decades. The School's Student Leadership system at St Catherine's provides girls from Year 6 with leadership training and skill developments, and there are many opportunities to experience positions of responsibility.
Our culture of collaboration ensures a mutual respect between teachers and students and continues to create a school environment which we all love.
Our students relish the opportunity to make decisions, take on responsibility and have an input into the direction of the school. Our teachers value the opinions of the many young and creative minds they are guiding and are constantly amazed by the inspiring ideas and the capable organisation of our girls.

Barbreck Council

The Barbreck Council, which is made up of the Class of Year 6, meets each fortnight and is chaired by the Junior School Captains. The Head of Junior School, Alana Moor, attends the meetings. Many ideas that have arisen from these meeting have been implemented including new equipment for the sandpit and role-plays in Assembly on good playground behaviour.

Year 12 Leaders and the General Committee

During Term 3, the Senior Office Bearers are elected for the following year via a democratic process. All students in Years 10 to 12 submit nominations for the School Captain and Vice Captain positions. Students must hold the Leadership Diploma to be eligible to hold a leadership position. Year 11 students actively involved in each group, House or Committee, will be nominated for the position of Captain or Vice Captain. Students are given the choice to accept the nomination.
The General Committee is the senior student advisory body. It consists of the School Captain (President) and Vice Captain (Secretary); Captains of Boarding House, Art, Debating, Duke of Edinburgh, Environment, International, Community Service, Drama, Student Foundation, the four Houses, Music and Sport.
The Principal and nominated senior members of staff are ex officio members. The General Committee meets regularly each term. The Committee considers the reports of its sub-committees and advises the Principal on the management of the School from the students' perspective.
To meet our 2010 Senior School Captains click here.

Leadership Diploma: Years 9 and 10

Our many formal and informal opportunities for student leadership throughout the School, culminate in Senior years where students can choose to refine and perfect those skills by studying for their Leadership Diploma, a qualification unique to St Catherine's.
The Leadership Diploma incorporates all components of the Years 9 and 10 curriculum, recognising students' involvement in and achievement from their academic and co-curricular program.
Students must successfully complete a list of criteria which includes developing positive relationships, involvement in mentoring programs, community service and environment programs, performance and public speaking, Outdoor Education and being a positive role model through faultless wearing of School uniform and upholding of School expectations at all times.
Students who complete the Diploma are awarded a badge with their certificate and are eligible for leadership selection in Years 11 and 12 and General Committee in Year 12.

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